Peace day around the world is celebrated on 21st September. This is to bring the world together as one to maintain peace within as well as among the varied countries. We too at AIPS wanted to sensitize our learners right from a young age about peace and how it plays an important role in our lives as persons. The theme for this year was “End Racism, Build Peace”. So on 21st September 2022 we planned a series of activities to carry on during the day.
The day began with our daily assembly where the morning talk was explaining the learners about the meaning of peace in various languages. This was followed by a Peace walk where the learners walked in pairs, holding hands of their partners while making the sign of peace, as the song “Let there be peace on earth” played in the background. The walk was led by the Classroom Facilitators of each grade. As the music enveloped the learners in its tune, they too moved swiftly undistracted by the noises and disturbance around. It was indeed a wonderful sight.
After the assembly the learners moved to their classes where the activity of the day took place. It was a cotton sticking activity where the learners had to paste the cotton on the picture of a dove on both sides and stick a black dot as eyes on it. The activity was taken on very well by the facilitators as they guided the learners how to go about. The learners too meticulously worked on the picture as they watched and learnt from their classmates. The dove would then be put up in their classrooms. We also put up a picture of a dove the symbol of peace in their almanacs along with a short peace prayer that we would say now on during the assembly.
As the follow up of the Peace day celebration, the video on Noah’s Ark was viewed particularly to focus on the part where the dove was sent and it came back signifying peace and how from then it has become a sign of peace for humanity. The Peace day was a learning experience for the learners as they absorbed the value of Peace to be resonated in their lives every day.
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